Friday, May 1, 2009

Bait and Switch

I know I was supposed to be working on the baby entrelac blanket and I really am but I wanted to finish this quick quilt...quickly! It's perfect! I wanted to keep it for myself's off to a soon-to-be born baby boy.
Pre-washing and wrinkles but I still love it! and cowboys...who can beat that!
now on to the other blanket...this boy is going to be toasty! too bad it's almost summer time!


Crafty Christina said...

The quilt looks amazing! I've yet to try quilting. It just looks so scary. Your stitches look way neater than mine.

Gloria P. said...

Ms L.

I love this baby blanket; where did you get the pattern from?

Gloria P. said...

Ms. L: Where r u?

I am off to buy a sew machine and wanted your opinion.

I haven't sewn in years and I don't plan on sewing anything fancy so I was thinking I would get the singer/beginner....those sewing machines with all the fancy stitches I will never use.

The sewing machine is half price and I am praying they still have one left.